Currently Available for Sale in Estes Park
Gallery Sales
All gallery sales are handled through the Art Center of Estes Park, which manages an ongoing display of works supplied by Shelton PhotoWorks. Not all images available for sale are represented on display at the Center's Gallery or on this website -- changes in inventory are frequent, so if there is a specific piece that interests you, please review galleries here, or contact Shelton PhotoWorks directly by phone or email in "Contacts" above. For Direct Sales from Shelton PhotoWorks, please scroll to the section on "Direct Sales" below.
The following framed images are currently on display at the Art Center of Estes Park:
Direct Sales
Unique sales can be conducted directly with Shelton PhotoWorks. All custom work can be ordered in almost any size and shipped, either with mat and frame, or mounted on wood, metal, or stone.
To ensure quality control, Shelton PhotoWorks prefers to manage all sales and framing directly but can provide individual prints if you have other framing options. Cost is dependent primarily on size, materials, procedure, and shipping, so please ask for a quote regarding cost and preparation time. Colorado sales tax is applicable to all sales.
Generally, all pieces viewed in third-party exhibitions can be purchased "as framed" at the price listed in an exhibition, or as outlined in a price list supplied to the exhibition host, plus sales tax. Costs associated with any requested changes in framing, plus shipping, are not included. Please contact Shelton PhotoWorks below for more information.